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2nd CUP symposium 8 November 2024

Status: Took place in November 2024. Funded by MTO and LUMC.

On 8 November 2024 the second CUP symposium was held at Huize Molenaar, a histortical building in the center of Utrecht. This afternoon symposium was well attended with a total of 32 guests and 7 speakers covering varied topics retaining to CUP (see agenda below). During the presentations there was also lively discussion and many questions, among other about how CUP care is organized within hospitals in the Netherlands. After the last presentation finished everyone gathered for a drink afterwards. The afternoon was both educational and inspirational. The 3rd symposium is already being scheduled for 2025.


13.30: Healthcare pathways for patients with CUP in the Netherlands, Lidy Scheffers, intern in internal medicine at Medisch Centrum, Eindhoven.

13.55: Genetic landscape of CUP, Rosan Olsman, PhD biology, Erasmus MC Rotterdam

14.20: Psychosocial care for patients with CUP and their loved ones, Kalinka van de Camp, advisor IKNL

14.45: Break.

15.15: The role of Total body MRI for patients with CUP, Doenja Lambregts, radiologist at the Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam.

15.40: PET Fapi study for patients with CUP, Esther Droogers, PhD, Erasmus MC Rotterdam

16.05: The pathology of undifferentiated malignant neoplasm and the role of WGS in solving these cases, Petur Snaebjornsson, pathologist at the Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam.

16.30: Patient network in the Netherlands and internationally, Warnyta Minnaard, Missie Tumor Onbekend


Organizing committee,

Yes van der Wouw

Vincent Smit

Harmen van de Werken